Todo Modo
You can’t help but love Todo Modo, an independent bookshop that’s just a stone’s throw from Santa Maria Novella. The place is packed with books in foreign languages, great classics, essays, novels, illustrated books, local and international magazines, and much more. On entering, you are embraced by more than 20,000 titles arranged on the pretty wooden shelves and furnishings. The passion and experience of the booksellers guide each curious reader in this warm place dedicated to literature. However, Todo Modo is not just a library. The Uqbar wine bar/cafe, inspired by the famous J.L. Borges story, offers an excellent selection of wines that match the dishes from Hiroko’s cuisine, a Japanese chef who’s in charge of the preparation of home-cooked meals and original combinations. My favourite is a potato and carrot terrine, covered with a soft layer of feta cheese and a sprinkle of curry, so yummy! The large room that serves as a dining area is often transformed into a place of meeting and culture, thanks to the events taking place at the library from time to time: book presentations, screenings, workshops, seminars and readings. Todo Modo is an intimate and welcoming place, where you can stop for breakfast, lunch or an aperitif with friends, as well as an afternoon of study, or simply to browse and get lost among the shelves of the library.